Are you thinking about selling your home for a cash offer but reluctant to lose a significant portion of your hard-earned equity to faceless Wall Street investors? Meet Cash Offer+, a revolutionary approach to home selling that ensures you move quickly and still reap the financial benefits of any market upswing after your home is resold.

What Makes Cash Offer+ Different?

Our Cash Offer+ program is designed with you, the homeowner, in mind. It’s not just about selling fast—it’s about selling smart and ensuring you get the full value your home deserves. Here’s how it benefits you:

Fair Market Value Offers

We start by giving you a true fair market value cash offer. This is not an estimate or a lowball figure but the exact price at which we intend to relist your home. This ensures transparency and fairness from the outset.

Upside Hold Back Account

When we close on your house, we hold 7% to 12% of your available equity in what’s known as an upside hold back account. This strategic move does two things:

  1. It mitigates risk for the buyer, allowing us to offer you the best price upfront.

  2. It provides you the opportunity to benefit from the eventual sale of the home.

Hassle-Free Selling Process

Selling your home traditionally means staging, dealing with endless showings, and enduring the uncertainty of buyer negotiations. With Cash Offer+, you bypass all these stresses. We handle everything from listing to closing, allowing you to focus on your next move without disruptions to your daily life.

How It Works

  1. Receive Your Offer: Get a competitive cash offer based on the true market value of your home.

  2. Close Quickly: Close on the sale with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your equity is protected in the upside hold back account.

  3. We Handle the Sale: We take over the responsibilities of selling the home. If the home sells at or above the offer price, you receive the full amount held back plus any additional equity gained in the sale.

Why Choose Cash Offer+?

  • Maximize Your Equity: Don’t settle for less. With Cash Offer+, you retain the potential upside that comes from the resale of your home.

  • Quick and Easy: Move on your schedule without the typical hassles of selling a home.

  • Transparent and Trustworthy: Know exactly what your home is worth and see that value reflected in your offer.

Ready to Move Forward?

If you’re interested in learning more about how Cash Offer+ can work for you, click the link below to get started. It’s time to sell your home on your terms, keeping your equity where it belongs—with you.